2015.03.24 Tue TEXT:BANANA CATEGORY:column
その3人とは、Rhadoo, Petre Inspirescu, Rareshであり、現在ではRicardo Villalobosとともにルーマニアン・ハウスの旗手たちは世界中のコアなファンが集まるパーティーやフェスティバルのど真ん中にいる。
その忙しい3人はそんなに頻度高く合流しないし、合流しても滅多に披露しないのが、3人による、RPR SOUNDSYSTEMだ。
そんな、RPR SOUNDSYSTEMの3人によるオールナイトロングセットがLIQUIDROOMにて4月4日(土)披露される。
ルーマニアンハウスミュージックの旗手たちに世界中からラブコールが止まないのはなぜなのだろう。 なぜシーンまるごとがピックアップされるようになったのだろう。
キッカケの一つは2006年にブカレストでプレイしたRicardo VillalobosによってRareshなど[a:rpia:r]クルーが一気にEU全体のシーンに紹介されたことだろう。
そして、4月4日(土)にLIQUIDROOMに、ルーマニアン・ハウス・ミュージックのシンボルであり、現在世界的なムーブメントのど真ん中のど真ん中Rhadoo, Petre Inspirescu, Rareshの3人が揃って集結し世界的にもレアなRPR SOUNDSYSTEM [a:rpia:r]としてオールナイトロングセットでプレイする。頭からお尻までどこを切り取っても、それぞれの時間の楽しみ方があり、最高だろう。
その中でも彼ら自身がよしと認めたものにしかRPR SOUNDSYSTEMとして出演する事はない。今回この3人が同時に来日、しかもRPR名義でプレイを行う事は日本のダンスミュージック・シーンにとってまさに歴史的な事件と言え、必ずや今年度のテクノシーンのトップトピックとなるでしょう。すでに耳の早いクラバー、ダンスミュージックファンの間では非常に大きな噂となっている。
ー King of the World "Ricardo Villalobos". His buddies RPR SOUNDSYSTEM will make their appearance in Japan for premium night. ー
Ricardo Villalobos continues to stay the king of the the current minimal techno and house music scene. Often found playing with Ricardo and his buddies RPR SOUNDSYSTEM who line up as headliners for lots of festivals around the world. Ricardo Villalobos and the Romanian boys of RPR SOUNDSYSTEM play music together in an innovative formula [back2back in three or four] and that blow you away and make the crowd from around the world go wild.
ー Rhadoo, Petre Inspirescu, and Raresh aka RPR SOUNDSYSTEM all three djs will surprisingly gather in Japan. That is long-awaited Japan break and finally the miracle will come true on the day. ー
RPR play music together only in the top events or festivals in the world. Even though they play only top events or festivals, they still have to think rather they should play. All of three guys are coming to Japan together to play under the name RPR, this will be the historical event for Japanese dance music scene. This will be for sure the most important event for techno scene this year/2015. Its already very big news among the clubbers.
ー LIQUIDROOM, many music lovers will come here for the premium party. ー
LIQUIDROOM is the main place for the live house music in Tokyo, which has the best reputation for sounds system. There are some of great parties such as "CHAOS" which is organized by Fumiya Tanaka who is the top artist in the world, "HOUSE OF LIQUID" which is a well-known party that represents LIQUIDROOM, the Final Party of the international event "Red Bull Music Academy" in last autumn. This event(RPR) has been chosen to host at the special place LIQUIDROOM which many music lovers gather. Thats why its becoming increasingly premium.
Rhadoo, Petre Inspirescu, and Raresh aka RPR SOUNDSYSTEM is a new style DJ collective. Rhadoo is not olny one of the most familiar names or top DJs of new techno wave/the Romanian clubbing scene but also worldwide dance music scene. Petre Inspirescu is an one and only artist who has outstanding DJ play or skill and as a producer, he has been receiving international acclaim of the highest quality productions. Raresh had belonged to COCOON and been global active till 2014 so that he had even a great name in major scene as compared to Rhadoo and Petre Inspirescu.
They have founded [a:rpia:r] the electronic music label in 2007 and it is regarded by most as clear leaders and attained cult status in the world of underground music scene. They are charismatic artists and blessed with unflagging popularity. All of them compiled in a row the mix CD series『Fabric』in 2013 and 2014 which is leading brand around the world.